HH 29


CENTER = HH29A PA = 155

αC = 4h28m33.s3 δC = 175956′′.0

From the Hα data in Fridlund et al. (1993)













Alternative names :
LP 415–171
Type :
Coordinates :
α1950 =
4h 28m 33.s2
δ1950 =
18 00 00′′
Proper motion : [7]
μα cosδ =
-12′′.4 ± 1′′.0 cen-1
μδ =
-19′′.0 ± 1′′.0 cen-1
Radial velocity :
-39 ± 2 km s-1
Suspected source :
L1551 IRS 5
Region :
Distance :
140 pc
Characteristic size :
Asociated with molecular outflow :
P.A. of jet (CO outflow):
~ 225



IUE spectra:

Cam. Image Disp. Ap. Date T. exp.

1 LWP 08959 L L 23-08-86 340.0 153.53
2 LWP 14267 L L 17-10-88 367.0 157.90
3 LWP 18777 L L 13-09-90 360.0 154.87
4 LWP 19742 L L 12-02-91 311.0 333.03
5 SWP 27471 L L 07-01-86 580.0 C=170,B=132 329.38
6 SWP 28962 L L 22-08-86 304.0 153.47
7 SWP 34493 L L 18-10-88 840.0 C=169,B=121 158.03
8 SWP 35809 L L 18-03-89 378.0 335.36
9 SWP 39622 L L 12-09-90 384.0 154.80
10 SWP 40856 L L 11-02-91 785.0 C=130,B=110 332.96
11 SWP 48808 L L 29-09-93 655.0 C=191,B=116 156.05
12 SWP 50045 L L 17-02-94 754.9 C=210,B=170 333.40



IUE Data:

Cam. Image Mg II C II] C III] C IV
(cemr2gs) (ecmr2gs-) (cermg2s) (cemr2gs)

LWP 08959
LWP 14267 (1.0 ± 0.2)E-14
LWP 18777 (6.4 ± 2.2)E-15
SWP 28962
SWP 34493
SWP 39622
SWP 48808